Hi, I'm Matty Unger! Husband, Dog-Dad, CORNELL MBA Candidate, Meme-Sharer, but most of all: lover of airplanes, airport lounges, and everything related to airplanes and airport lounges!
This, my friends, is an airplane! I'm getting a half-chubb just looking at this majestic bird
The tail on this airplane?! DAMN!
And sometimes when I fly, there are airport lounges. I feel like such a fucking boss when I sit in an airport lounge...
First class, yo this is bad; Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass; Is this what the points guys lives like?; Hmm this might be alright
Also, I go to Cornell, like a boss. Ivy MBA!
This is my dog Lucy (She. Rocks.)
And my amazing wife Sabrina
Also, did I mention I go to Cornell?
Have you heard of Memes? Like ICanHazCheezburger cat? Well I have ALL the memes - follow me on Instagram for all memes!
Sitting in one plane while looking at a DIFFERENT plane? That's the dream!
That Engine? So hot right now...
Look at this lounge, you can see a plane from it AND there are drinks!
To Summarize: My life goal is to be The Points Guy (+Sabrina and Lucy, obviously)